Saturday 30 March 2013

Wednesday 27th March – Alter do Chao, Brazil.

Both tenders were working today! (Although as we were not sure how well tender 2 could reverse, we made sure we were in tender 1).

Alter do Chao is a lovely upmarket beach resort but because it is the rainy season most of the white sand depicted on the postcards is under water! Nesta did find a small beach, however, and went for a paddle…

Later on in the evening, we managed both sessions of the Captain’s welcome party again!!

                               This used to be a beach!!!
                                See - the ship's lifeboat can be a tender!

Thursday 28th March – supposed to be Macapa, Brazil.

Well – this was supposed to be a full day stop, the highlight of which was a trip to the equator where we can stand with one foot in each hemisphere but: the harbour master refused us permission to dock and also refused the request to use the tenders… so… we didn’t actually go there!

Eventually the ship managed to arrange for us to dock for an extra day in Trinidad so we set sail for Devil’s Island (again) earlier than planned.

Lots of rumours around the ship as to why permission was refused – the most likely being either that there was a fatal accident on the quayside earlier in the week and no ships were allowed in or the authorities realised that the six containers of food and supplies waiting for us were from Germany and contained nothing from Brazil so they refused us permission as a penalty.

Either way our food etc. cannot now reach us, apparently, until we get to Aruba!

We have noticed a decline in the quality and variety of meals on board. We dined in the Explorer tonight and had the Oriental menu which was ok but the service was not as good as on previous occasions.

We have spoken to Vladimir and Raffi about our concerns and they have said they will escalate them.

Later that evening, there was a Latino Party on the outside deck which was really good. Weather warm with a fresh breeze and we danced the night away!


Friday 29th March – Day at Sea.

Nesta slept until 2-15am which was when we left the Amazon and turned north. There was a force 6 wind with a 5 metre swell from the side of the ship. Consequently on this ship (which, as you will remember “would roll on a damp lawn”) the movement was such that she spent the rest of the night in the library playing on her DS as she couldn’t sleep.

As we are now out of the Amazon, the lecture programme recommenced but there was nothing of interest for us. We have decided to make the Bridge Room on 8 our new lounge, so we spend time in their now when there is no bridge being played!

Unfortunately the evening meal in the Veranda was not great. It was almost cold as there is a problem with the hot-plates and there was little choice… oh well, only another eight days until we restock!


Saturday 30th March – Devil’s Island, French Guiana.

These are a little group of three islands (Iles du Salut) of which Devil’s Island is the smallest. Difficult to land there (I suppose that was the point!) so the one we tendered to is called Ile Royale. There were prisons on all three islands so we visited the remains on the biggest island.

There was a big swell and it was windy so there was a bit of a delay getting passengers ashore - because the captain had to manoeuvre the ship as best he could.

Eventually we got on the second tender of the day but got held up for thirty minutes whilst two catamarans (the local ferries to the mainland) unloaded and picked up passengers…You can imagine how happy Nesta was bobbing around in a small boat for ages!

The island was interesting, once we got there, and we saw what were the cells, governor’s office, church and slaughterhouse… it was here that guard used to slaughter animals and pour their blood into the sea in order to attract sharks to discourage prisoners from attempting to escape by swimming!!

Despite the really strong currents, there were holiday makers (there is a small hotel on the island) swimming within sight of the “no swimming” notices – but not us, though!

We did, however, spot one of our passengers (Lenny) sunbathing naked… oh dear…

Had a drink in the hotel and returned to the ship for a shower and lunch.

Watched the port lecture on Port of Spain and then sat on deck 7 talking to Rich and Lin until it was time to get ready for our evening meal. The “twisted team trivia” starts again tonight so the usual team of Wes, Austin, Sue, Wally, Nesta and Ian (all “lifers”) will once again take on the brains of the rest of the passengers! We’ll let you know how we get on!


                        Devil's Island - we like the sign... surely that was the point!

                         Below are the old cell blocks

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