Thursday 22 January 2015


Tuesday 20th January 2015 – Day at Sea, arriving at Suez.


Robert Powell is the guest speaker this morning at the Royal Court theatre so we got there early which was just as well because half an hour before he was due to talk the place was full.


He was very interesting and entertaining and is due to give another lecture and then hold a Q&A session before he and his wife (Babs from Pan’s People) get off in Dubai.


In the afternoon we decided to be posh and have afternoon tea in the Queens Room… Unfortunately, this turned out to be a disappointment as some of the waiters were not wearing white gloves, as advertised, and Ian had the pleasure of having his tea poured into his saucer and very nearly down his leg, rather than in his cup!


We arrived at our anchorage point seven miles off Port Said on time and our transit of the canal, which can take thirteen hours, was due to start at 2am. The Captain informed us, however, that there was apparently dredging works going on in the canal so we were unsure of when we would begin our journey.


We dined in the restaurant this evening and not only drank a bottle of Shiraz between us but have signed up for a “wine and food tasting” experience next Friday in the posh “Todd English” restaurant. As the blurb for the “experience” put it – there will be a nominal charge per person…..$115 per person isn’t what we would call “nominal” but to the majority of the people here… it is. Oh well, it’s only money...


The additional security measures have started with the ship a lot darker and some armed guards patrolling at night!



Wednesday 21st January 2015 – Suez Canal transit (not!)


Woke up at 7-30am to discover we were still at anchor and at anchor we stayed until 8pm when we finally set sale for the canal. So yes folks we have now got the (possibly) unique distinction of going through both of the world’s major canals at night! I’m sure both the Panama and Suez canals are lovely and picturesque…it’s just we haven’t seen them!


We joined a few of Nesta’s “smoking friends” in the evening for the pub quiz but were again useless. (Where are the old lags when you need them?)


As the transit of the canal takes thirteen hours, we decided to get up before sunrise tomorrow so that we could at least see something of the canal.



Thursday 22nd January 2015 – Day at Sea.


Guess what? Because the convoys of ships travelling through the canal were more regimented than usual, we only took nine hours to go through (hooray). So, although we got up before daybreak we had actually left the canal before dawn. (Boo).


There was even worse news to come. A consequence of the delay was that we couldn’t get to Aqaba in time so the trip to Petra was cancelled. 800 people were booked onto it so as you can imagine there are a lot of sad people (including Nesta) today.


The Captain spoke to as at 10am and explained they had tried to postpone the trip by 24 hours but Friday is the Muslim Holy Day of the week and there was a religious event taking place in Saudi Arabia and ALL the coaches in Aqaba were booked up.


Instead, we are going to spend the next five days at sea (going quicker, or “zooming down the Red Sea”, as the Captain called it) so that we can call in at Muscat in Oman. This will mean nine days will have gone by since we last set foot on dry land!


At 11am, Robert Powell did a lecture on 100 years of cinema. He was very funny but overran a bit. At 12-15 there was a “juggling workshop” (just bring along three pairs of socks made up as balls) and Pete Matthews (the juggler from the previous show) will teach you how to do the three ball cascade. No-one will be surprised to learn that Nesta took up the challenge. Robert Powell and his wife also joined in and it was good fun. Ian took some pictures and reminisced about Thursday nights and Top of the Pops!


In today’s programme it says “As you may be aware there is currently an assistance dog travelling on our world voyage. This dog is able to assist it’s owner medically and is authorised to be in public areas for medical purposes” (honest!)


We’ve seen only one dog aboard and this is a very silly little dog that it’s American lady owner dresses up in outfits (pretty ones for day, and formal for evenings). Not sure what sort of medical assistance it’s giving… Ian suspects that if the woman didn’t have it she would be so depressed, she would throw herself overboard…


In the evening we missed our meal and went to the cinema instead. This time we watched “Maleficent” in 3D!! – The only 3D cinema afloat! It was a bit silly, if we’re honest but the 3D effect was good.


  1. Babs from Pans People!..... That brings back a few memories!

    1. Steady! Though she hasn't aged as well as the four of us have!!!
