Monday 2 February 2015

Saturday 31st January – continued.


We enjoyed our drinks and catch-up with Helen and Mike and agreed that we’ll go to a speciality “coriander” evening with them later in the cruise. They are on until Singapore and Helen is presenting five lectures – the first of which is tomorrow morning at 10am.


After dinner in the Britannia, we went to see Mick Miller in the theatre. The old people amongst you will remember him from ITV’s “The Comedians” in the 70’s and 80’s. Nesta had never heard of him but he had more than a few funny one-liners. Altogether, it was a good show.


Having now been on board for more than 20 nights, we are officially Gold members Cunard’s World Club – so have another badge! More importantly we get two hours free internet each! (Although we have to purchase them first and then the cost will be reimbursed at the end of this sector – honest!)



Sunday 1st February – Day at Sea.


Well! So much for a relaxing day at sea! First of all it was Helen’s lecture followed by the church service and then a talk by Dr Rami Seth MBE (an Indian doctor who worked in the health service for more than 40 years) on the peculiarities of English if it is learned as a second language.


After this we sorted out registering for our “free” internet and then Nesta went to check out this sector’s choir. Gary has joined up so Nesta signed Ian up too. He is thrilled – but hiding it well!


Bow-ties were on offer today, so Ian bought a snazzy one to wear for our evening with the Deputy Captain.


We very much enjoyed our evening. Stephen was easy to talk to as was Pippa (the Captain’s secretary). They swapped places after the main course so all eight guests could speak to them.


It was the normal Britannia menu and although the wine was not exactly flowing – it was free! We had a picture taken but not sure if we will be asked to pay for it… Hope not!



Monday 2nd February – Day at Sea.


Happy Birthday Eloise!


A surprisingly busy day! At 10am Dr Rami Seth did “An Introduction to India” talk and managed to be both entertaining and informative. Then it was a mad dash to the Royal Court to listen to Sir Max Hastings talking about Churchill’s war. (Ian stayed for the lecture, but Nesta decided to get some “fresh air” instead)


We then had a brief respite between 12-2pm so had some breakfast.


At 2pm there was the choir (and, yes – Ian did attend!) followed at 3-30pm by Helen’s second lecture, this one about the Indian Air Force and the re-taking of Burma.


Finally, it was back into formal wear for the Captain’s Reception. We managed to down a few glasses before dinner in the Britannia again.


Received a phone call from Mike suggesting we meet up with them tomorrow night to dine in the Indian Coriander Restaurant. This cruising lark is full-on (and that’s before we visit 8 ports in 10 days commencing on Wednesday.


We’ll have to have a holiday to get over it!



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