Thursday 23 April 2015


Tuesday 21st April 2015 – Day at Sea.

This is our first of seven sea days as we travel up the west coast of Africa. There was a surprisingly cool breeze today which caught out many of the white skinned “newbie Brits” By the end of the day there were lots of lobsters around! (Do people still not realise that the sun can burn even if there is a cool breeze??)

Nesta signed up to run a stall at the “country fayre” (or jumble sale as the lower classes call it!) Well – it was either do the fayre or go to the lectures…(and what a choice of lectures!) The first one was “how to not let your pets rule your life” and the second lecture was “the whys and wherefores of plastic surgery”

We made the effort to dress up for our last Britannia Grills reception (until our May voyage!) Even though most of our waiter friends have either got off or been moved to other bars (are Cunard trying to tell us something?) we still managed to drink more than our fair share of wine. We didn’t however queue up to have our picture taken with Kev (the Captain)

We did grace Robert with our presence in the restaurant (and even bought a bottle of Mullygrubber) but we decided to give the singers (and the film) a miss as none of it interested us. Perhaps we’re ready to come home!

We have been on so long that we now have hours of free internet time so if only we could find the kids in, we could skype them to our hearts content!


Wednesday 22nd April 2015 – Day at Sea.

The weather is warming up - so now it’s too hot to sit in the sun!

Ian went to see the lecture by his new friend Michael Howard but Nesta wasn’t really interested in his subject matter (the first week of Churchill’s premiership) He spoke well, but it was a very similar presentation as the one made by Sir Max Hastings on sector two.

Nesta went to line dancing instead - but there were too many “yee hahs” for her liking so she left early!

Sam (Katherine’s Cunard Singer replacement) turned up at choir to help Lee. He needs all the help he can get – as he’s decided to do a difficult four part harmony version of “Rhythm of Life” as one of this leg’s songs!

After choir we attended our free wine tasting in the Britannia Restaurant. This time it was four different Australian wines including Mullygrubber!! (We obviously haven’t been drinking our predicted levels – so they have to get rid of it somehow!)

Ian seems to have picked up the lurgy again so he went to bed after the wine-tasting. Nesta went to the magic show (yet another “mentalist” – again very similar to the previous act) and then ate in Kings Court on her own. But she did bring Ian a little doggy bag back to the cabin!

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