Friday 3 April 2015


Tuesday 31st March 2015 – Day at Sea.

The clocks went back by half an hour overnight to GMT + 10. (BST + 9)

Overcast, raining part of the day and the south westerly swell continuing - which means the ship is still rocking (although, not rolling). None of the entertainment interested us so we watched TV in our room and went for the odd walk. We did manage to skype Rebecca – only Martin and Ellie left now – but all in all, we had a quiet day.

We went down to the trivia quiz (scored 16 out of 20 but were nowhere near winning) and then went into the restaurant for dinner.


Wednesday 1st April – Day at Sea.

The clocks went back again, this time by an hour, so we are now GMT + 9 (BST + 8).

Well – the sandman finally cometh!!

After the farce of the other day, sand artist Marcus Winter finally performed at 10am. He creates works of art out of sand and is well worth seeing. He is also a talented “paint” artist and Russell Harrison (you remember him – the star of “Bring the sing”!) came on during the show and sang a song, as one of the pictures was being drawn. Marcus and Russell are actually cousins and Marcus may make a “special appearance” tonight in Russell’s show by way of thanks! How exciting! …

In the Daily Programme, received last night, there was an important announcement about a special event celebrating the 175 years of Cunard. This morning at 11-45am the three Queens will link up with Head Office in Southampton to attempt to break the world record for synchronised movement across the largest distance. Passengers were asked to stand and turn around slowly three times. As QM2 is in the southern hemisphere - our guests have to turn clockwise, of course. Crew members would record participation and report to the independent adjudicators…

We, strangely, looked at today’s date – but went along to the Queens Room at the appointed time, to be met with the sight of well over 100 passengers slowly turning to the right and shouting “we love Cunard” before being told they were April Fools… Oh, what fun we have!

In the afternoon, Ian went to a lecture about the life of the QE2 which was interesting. Because of her being transformed into a troop ship during the Falkland war and then having to have new diesel electric engines after her original steam powered ones failed, the QE2 actually made three maiden voyages following extensive refits. It’s a bit sad that the plan to retire it to be a floating hotel in Dubai was put on indefinite hold during the economic downturn in 2008.


Thursday 2nd April 2015 – Fremantle, Australia.

Happy birthday Dominic (and Nesta’s Dad)

The clocks were put back another hour last night so we are now on GMT + 8 (BST + 7)

We had booked the “leisurely” Fremantle tour but wow – it was full-on! Our driver/guide, John, was brilliant. He drove around Fremantle and regaled us with humorous stories including when he saw a ghost at the prison. When were at the prison, we noticed an advert for a youth hostel opening there on April 1st… another April Fool’s joke??

We then went up the coast and had a 20 minute stop at Cottesloe Beach where we watched school children learning to swim and surf (very strange letting kids go in the sea as they do have sharks here)

Then it was into Perth and a trip around the city, including a visit to the WACA (that’s the cricket ground!) before spending an hour in King’s Park enjoying the views and the sunshine.

We then returned to the dockside and got straight onto the ship’s shuttle (which was actually a vintage tram) back into the centre of Fremantle - where we walked around for a while before heading across the esplanade to Fishing Boat harbour and more specifically to “Little Creatures” (a pub). Here we enjoyed a beer and met up with Joy (who had been hospitalised in Dubai) and Tom & Hannah who had left the ship in Singapore. Lots of beer drunk and catching up done. Gary, Jenny & Dianne arrived too - so even more beer was drunk!

We all made it back on board after a second lot of farewells to Joy, Tom & Hannah and continued drinking beer at the sail away party…

We had planned to go into the restaurant for dinner and then watch the show in the theatre but in the end decided on a quick pasta in the Chef’s galley and had an early night instead!!

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