Saturday 29 December 2012

Christmas Day – All at Sea

Had a small chocolate Christmas tree each from Voyager.  Gave our presents to select members of the crew.  Watched the officers versus passengers giant Jenga out on deck and then had a barbeque for lunch!!  Afternoon carol service to remind us it is Christmas.  Biggest disappointment from the semi-formal Christmas meal - no pigs in blankets with our turkey!  Highlight was talking to kids on the phone when we finally got near enough an island to get a signal.  Maybe New Year will be better.
 The Captain shows his Jenga skills - it wasn't misty, just so humid the lense on the camera fogged up!
 Ready for the formal meal - like the tuxedo!
The waiting staff enjoy a Christmas egg-nog!
Wednesday 26th December – Grenada.
What a lovely island.  Our driver/guide, Trevor sang us calypsos as we travelled along narrow twisty roads past lush vegetation.  Spice plantation really interesting.  Have bought some to bring home and make the kitchen smell nice.  We would come here again.
 Calypso - Grenada style
 That is real fruit on their heads!
 Nesta, with our house in the background
 Monkeys are quite common in Grenada
This is actually Cocoa - so chocolate really does grow on trees!
Thursday 27th December – Scarborough, Tobago.
Not such a pretty island.  Highlight of our tour was meeting Eddie Izzard’s Caribbean cousin, Philip who enthused about the Arnos Vale water wheel and old sugar plantation he is restoring.
Were invited to drinks and a meal with the Captain and senior Officers tonight for us and fellow passengers on for the whole circumnavigation.  A good evening with fine wine and polite conversation.
We have lost two of our fellow passengers who have decided Voyager is not for them and have gone home to Barbados for New Year.  They have donated their ‘owner’s suite’ cabin to one of our friends who is suddenly very popular with the single ladies on board!  I just want to use his Jacuzzi as a washing machine!!
 Nativity scene - Caribbean style
 Tobago wild life!
Our Tobagan friend Phillip spoting forth about the oldest iron water wheel in the world!

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