Friday 7 December 2012

First travel update

Day one. Tuesday 4th December 2012


I woke early, again, and managed to pack everything including the kitchen washing up bowl, if not the sink! 

Chauffeur got us to Portsmouth in plenty of time to book in and enjoy mulled wine and mince pies before boarding.  

Found our cabin and managed to unpack.  Doesn’t seem that much stuff now I have hidden it in nifty drawers.

Lifeboat drill was at 17.15.  It does seem a lot of people to get into each lifeboat but Ian and I noted with pleasure how much more nimble on our feet we were than some of our rivals!

Rough weather forecast for next 36 hours so had to spend ages looking for where I had stowed the Stugeron!

Enjoyed a very nice buffet style dinner and only drank water with our meal!!


Day two.  Wednesday 5th December 2012  Day at Sea


I didn’t wake early because I didn’t actually get to sleep.  It turns out that after a sleepless night of tossing and rocking the Ship did not actually get into the Bay of Biscay until 9 o’clock this morning!!  Evidently we were now running behind schedule because the Captain had slowed down overnight to make our journey more comfortable.  No nausea in our cabin but there doesn’t seem to be as many other passengers on the ship as there were when we were boarding.  I wonder where they are?

After a light breakfast the day’s activities commenced.  There was a port lecture for La Coruna and I joined the choir.  Ian tried to catch up on some sleep that he had missed when I kept waking him up to say I wasn’t asleep yet! – doesn’t sound like me at all!!

Afternoon lecture was ‘Understanding your camera’ and we heard lots of things that we probably should have known already.  Ian rushed off and took a picture of the sea from our cabin window.

We tried the open dining in the Discovery restaurant with success – food and company good and first bottle of wine drunk.

After opening my Advent calendar we had a night cap in our cabin and then I decided to redesign the furniture layout which involved moving everything that wasn’t actually screwed down.  Now we roll from side to side rather than head to toe!  I slept like a log and I think the layout works.  Ian is saying nothing in case I make him move it all back.



  1. I see you worked out uploading it... Hope you're having a good time! =-)

  2. Glad to see you dressed for a cruise - suave sophisticated pac-a-mac look!! Well done with the lifeboat race - nice to know you'll be able to outrun the others should an emergency occur!! Bit worried about you drinking water and joining the choir...Will put that down to you being disorientated and 'all at sea'and not wishing to show your true colours on your first day aboard....Good sense has now prevailed and the wine is flowing!! Have fun xx :)
