Tuesday 12 February 2013

Saturday 2nd February – Cusco to Puno.

Happy 21st Birthday, Ellie!!!

Got the 7-30am train (the Andean Explorer) from Cusco to Puno across the high altiplano. It was like being in an Agatha Christie “Murder on the Orient Express” remake.

Only 15 passengers, leather chairs, table lamps and more staff than passengers. There were fashion shows and local folk music and dancing.

At a station half way between the two places, we all got out (to be met by souvenir sellers!) and had our photos taken at nearly 14,200 feet above sea-level.

A different troupe of musicians and dancers got on, so there was more entertainment on the way down to Puno.

It was also “Pisco Sour day” (the local cocktail) and Ellie was “volunteered” to go up and be shown how to make one.

During afternoon tea on the train, we were given bucks fizz and Ellie got a birthday cake and the whole train sang to her! (We assume that Audley Travel arranged this, as the cake and champagne we had organised for her were at the hotel when we arrived there!)

It seemed to be market day everywhere and it was quite surreal to actually go slowly through markets where the locals had to clear the lines to let us through and then reset their wares after we had gone!

When we arrived at the hotel, Martin was suffering from a headache so didn’t join in the rest of the birthday celebrations. As we now had another cake to eat, we skipped dinner!

Guess what – as it was Pisco Sour day, we had a free one and then for the “happy two hours” they were half price! Oh well!

                                                        Making the pisco sour!
                                                        Spanish birthday cake
                                                                  Happy birthday!
                                                                      Ian up high
                                 The locals rebuid their market once the train has been through

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