Tuesday 12 February 2013

Wednesday 30th January – Pisac and Ollantaytambo in the Sacred Valley.
Travelled by minibus via the ruins at Tombomachay to the Sacred Valley. It was raining heavily this morning but we still got to see the Temple of the Water in all its glory. We actually missed being hassled by souvenir sellers – as they were huddled under blue plastic sheets to keep out of the rain!
After this we went to another site above the market town of Pisac followed by shopping in the market. The kids bought souvenirs and Nesta bought a bag and some silver earrings.
Lunch was in a picturesque restaurant where they had Llamas in the garden (an obvious photo shoot opportunity!)
In the afternoon we went to the temple fortress at Ollantaytambo. Lots of steep steps, so Ian decided he would wait at the bottom! The temple was never finished by the Incas. This can be seen by the fact that lumps of stone where they attached ropes to haul up the giant slabs are still showing. These would have been sheared off if the building had been completed.
We stayed that night in the Hotel Pakaritampu, 5 mins from both the town and railway station, and there were lots of humming birds in the garden. Nesta took so many photos of them that the battery in her camera ran out (and she had left the spare battery in the hotel in Cusco, where we were going back to later in the week)…
Silvia joined us for an evening meal in a local restaurant. The food wasn’t brilliant, but the company was and the “translations” from Spanish into English on the menu were hysterical. For example, smoked trout was translated as “trout sweat”. Rebecca took one of the menus as a reminder!
On the walk back to the hotel, the night was clear and the stars were lovely. We even saw the “southern cross”.
                                             Locals at the market - wearing lampshades!
                                                     Guinea Pigs at the market.......Before!
                                                                         and after!!!!
                                                        The family in the sacred Valley
                                                            Fiona at Ollantaytambo
                                                Humming bird in the garden of our hotel

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