Tuesday 12 February 2013

Thursday 31st January – Ollantaytambo to Aguas Callentas and Machu Picchu!

Walked to the station and discovered that Nesta and Ian were in seats 1 and 2 right at the front of the “vista dome” train with an uninterrupted view of the journey. It was reminiscent of being on the ghost train at the fair at times – brilliant!

Arrived at 10 am – our bags were taken to our hotel whilst we all got aboard the bus that took us up the 11 hairpin bends to Machu Picchu. Had a four hour guided tour with Silvia (with Nesta having to put her cameras memory card in Ellie’s camera in order to take pictures!)

WOW!   Macho Picchu lived up to expectations!

Took lots of photographs and stamped our passports at the entrance gate!

Had a bit of rain, but only drizzle really and managed to see the whole site. Silvia has been here over 1000 times but still loves it and is passionate about it. She told us that last year an American company applied to build a chairlift - but fortunately it was turned down. She is concerned about the future of the site and wants it to be preserved as it is.

Near the cave of the “big mummy” Nesta found what appeared to be a seat carved out in the rock so named it the “king’s toilet”! Silvia had never noticed it before, so she also sat in it!

She is collecting anecdotes for a book she hopes to write, so Nesta suggested that rather than carrying dead bodies up the mountain to the holes where they were found, the Inca’s used catapults to make it easier! She also suggested that what is needed at Machu Picchu is a walking stick that is also an umbrella. Silvia agreed that when she patents this idea and has made her millions, she will call it the Nesta walking stick!

After the tour we went back down to the village and had a nice meal. Silvia has found a man in the market who will recharge Nesta’s battery so she can take her own photos again.

Because it’s the rainy season, have decided not to go back up to macho Picchu tomorrow at 5-30am as you don’t actually get to see the sunrise!

                                                         Nesta being a "big mummy"
                                                  The family at Machu Picchu

Friday 1st February – Machu Picchu to Cusco.

Ian decided he would spend the morning looking round Aguas Callentas so the rest of us met up at 8am. It was a much clearer day and we walked up to the Sun Gate and then back round to the Inca Bridge. Narrow path, no handrail and a 1000 ft. drop to the valley below – spectacular!

After lunch in a lovely restaurant near the hotel, we caught the 3pm train back to Ollantaytambo and then by minibus back up the mountains to Cusco arriving at 7-30pm. It has been a long day. Fi and Ellie went to bed but the rest of us went back to Jacks for a drink and to say goodbye to Silvia.

                                           Fiona and Ellie looking down at the Inca bridge
                          Fiona at the Sun Gate - with the road up to Machu Picchu down below!
                                                                    Machu Picchu!

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