Sunday 28 April 2013

Saturday 27th April – Day at Sea.

The weather was a little calmer (but not much!) so after breakfast we sat in Scott’s Lounge again and played cards.

Tonight was supposed to be the Formal Night (our ninth, and this time real, Captain’s Farewell Party) but at midday it was announced that because of the bad weather it had been postponed until Monday as a better weather forecast had been received.

Well – what an effect a simple announcement like that had!

People immediately began complaining to the Cruise Director and Reception…Examples of complaints were: - How were they supposed to have their packed suitcases outside their cabin doors by midnight if they were in their tuxedos and posh frocks until 11-30? How could the photograph with the Captain and the cruise DVD be produced in time for an 8am arrival at Portsmouth? And, more to the point for us, eleven of the fifteen “lifers” had booked into the posh Explorers Club Restaurant for a final night meal…and the Explorers is closed on Formal Nights!!

Suffice it to say - after many discussions/negotiations with Paul (Assistant Cruise Director), Ben (Food and Beverage Manager)  and Martin, Austin and Sue & Wally – we have managed to arrange for the Explorers Club to be opened - so this means we can go to the Captain’s farewell “do” followed by Martins cocktail party AND have the posh meal…Phew!

In the evening we went to support Kelli-Ann, one of the entertainers, who was doing her first ever solo singing spot and then went in for the quiz but unfortunately it was too hard for us and we were unable to add to our collection of prizes.

Sunday 28th April – Day at Sea.

The sea was a lot calmer this morning (hooray!) and we both went to the church service at 9-45am.

A long time ago (I think it was in Barbados) we noticed Paul and the entertainers rushing off ship and getting into taxis. When we enquired, they explained that the first thing they ever did in port was get to the nearest burger bar!

Apparently rich food every day can become tedious after a while…

Regular readers of our blog will know that Bill arranged for us both to have a burger and chips meal in our cabin one day, so we asked why the entertainments team couldn’t have burgers on board. Apparently, this was not possible as the ship does not possess a “burger making machine”! To cut a long story short we have been trying to arrange for them to have such a meal ever since and today was the day! After the main restaurant closed at 1-30pm a table for 10 was laid and Nesta and Ian joined the eight entertainers in their own very special double cheeseburger and real chips meal!!

In the afternoon we packed our cases and then went to the Captain’s Farewell Party… Latest joke from the captain: - What is the difference between an optimist and a pessimist? An optimist looks forward to the future – a pessimist is a well-informed optimist!

After that we had champagne in martin’s suite and went into the Explorers for our final evening meal. The food was good, the wine plentiful and the company great. We will miss our fellow “lifers”.

Finally we went to the quiz (in which we were terrible again) and watched the entertainments team’s “best of” show and then to bed… L


                             Finally - the team get their burgers!!

Monday 29th April – Portsmouth, England.

147 days after leaving Portsmouth, we return to it.

It’s been a fantastic trip and we have met lots of nice people and seen places neither of us thought we would ever see.

Thank you for following this blog – we have really enjoyed reading your comments and hope you’ve been entertained along the way.


Nesta & Ian

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