Sunday 21 April 2013

Thursday 18th April – Day at Sea.

Today is the first of five and a half sea days… Just 1,750 miles to go to The Azores!

Quiet morning, punctuated by the noon update from the Captain. Apparently we have now left the Bermuda Triangle and he apologised that he was unable to produce any monsters from the deep nor could he provide any missing ships or planes… This captain has an interesting sense of humour!


Friday 19th April – Day at Sea.

Happy 33rd Wedding Anniversary to Kevin & Glynis and Happy 55th birthday to Kevin. (Good idea, getting married on your birthday – means you are less likely to forget your anniversary!)

A slightly stormier day and certainly a lot colder although it was still sunny, if you could find somewhere sheltered to sit.

Glad we had the birthday celebrations in the Explorer Club to look forward to. The chefs made a lovely double anniversary/birthday cake and Kevin promised he would wear his T-Shirt in the crew bar later on.

On the way back to the cabin we noticed sick bags on the stairwells… not a good sign!


Saturday 20th April – Day at Sea.

Stronger winds and bigger seas today – luckily, Nesta’s supplies of alcohol are still holding up and the doctor is still prescribing Zopiclone – so she’s ok.

We changed course in the early afternoon because there was a yacht nearby who didn’t answer the ship’s radio call. We went to check if all was ok and thankfully it was. They too are on their way to the Azores and we are glad that we’re in this boat not theirs!

After persevering, Nesta has decided that Art Classes are not for her. She feels she needs beginner’s lessons and with so many passengers signed up for the classes the lecturer is unable to help.

She has also decided to give the choir a miss, as their rehearsal room is the lookout lounge – not the best place to be in rough weather!

Funniest overheard comment of the day:-

A passenger went to reception and asked to speak to the Captain. When asked why she said that she understood there were five sea days in a row and this wasn’t good enough. Surely the Captain could find a small island in the Atlantic where we could stop and have a break!

(She was serious!! Glad we’re not THAT bad).

It was supposed to be a formal evening tonight but the ship postponed it for safety reasons…Do people hurt themselves more if they fall over in tuxedos then??


Sunday 21st April – Day at Sea.

It was certainly a “lumpy” night L Fortunately Nesta had taken her medicine and slept soundly throughout!

Outside of deck 6 and the whole of sundeck 8 are now closed due to the rough weather. (Wouldn’t want a passenger being blown overboard)

According to the Captain’s midday update we are experiencing 35 to 40mph winds (force 8 or 9) and seas of 7 to 9 metres high... (Glad we’re not in that yacht!)

One issue the weather has thrown up is that there is not enough space in the public areas when passengers cannot go outside, so lots of people are spending hours in their cabins.

Tony, this cruises bridge host, has chosen today to invite us both up to the bridge room on deck 8 for supervised play!! Nesta wasn’t looking forward to it – but we both duly went and actually enjoyed the experience…

In the afternoon, we went to the church service and in the evening we will go to the quiz again. It’s about time we started winning again!




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