Saturday 6 April 2013

Tuesday 2nd April – Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Not a very exciting day…went ashore but found that the duty free doesn’t sell cigarettes, so Nesta not too happy!

We went for a stroll along the sea-front but decided against walking into town as the “characters” we saw from the bus yesterday were not very appealing. This is another place we would not recommend.

On a more positive note we saw evidence of stores being loaded onto the ship J

We were due to leave at 7pm but were unable to because the locals, who were refuelling the ship, spilled oil into the sea which meant the ship was covered in it. A team of cleaners with some form of chemicals, judging by their “ghost-busters” outfits, had to wash the hull of the ship. Apparently we will not be allowed to dock in any Caribbean port with oil on the outside of the ship! The Captain and Kevin were taking lots of photographs and there was a lot of activity on the quayside…. Quite entertaining!

Nesta took the opportunity to be fast asleep before we sailed at 10pm whilst Ian and the team won the quiz in her absence… Another Voyages of Discovery pen!!


Wednesday 3rd April – Day at Sea.

Nesta went to sea-stretch this morning and then we had breakfast before the port lecture on Aruba…Don’t think we learned much, unfortunately.

Highlight of the day (?) After four months, Ian finally played bridge!! Even more surprising, we weren’t bottom… in fact we finished equal 5th out of 10. Ian was really tired afterwards (aah) and we’re not sure if we’ll repeat the experience – takes too much out of you!

In the evening quiz the “Old Lags” won again but - as Nesta went to bed because she was feeling dizzy and Wes decided to leave as well - Ian, Austin, Sue and Wally had to drink the prize of two bottles of wine between them! The evening show had an unplanned comedy moment when Paul tried to sit on a non-existent chair and did a full backward roll. He and Andrea then had trouble singing because they were laughing so much… wonder if they’ll keep it in?

Incidentally the clocks go back half an hour tonight for our visit to Venezuela… Does anybody know why those 30 minutes are so important?


Thursday 4th April – La Guairá, Venezuela.

Today we have officially circumnavigated South America!! We were last here on 29th December… seems ages ago.

On Glynis’ recommendation we joined her on the full day tour to the Topotepuy Gardens and El Hatillo. This involved driving round Caracas. The traffic here is much worse than Bristol! Kamikaze motor cyclists everywhere (even going the wrong way against three lines of traffic!) and free for all’s at roundabouts, junctions etc. etc.

The Gardens were lovely with lots of humming-birds, exotic flowers and excellent views over the city.

El Hatillo was originally a small town but has now been swallowed up by Caracas, but it still retains a lot of its charm. The locals seem to be concerned about the weakness of the bolivar ahead of the Presidential elections in a fortnight and were offering four times the official exchange rate for dollars – so lunch was quite cheap!

That evening there was a quiz (our team got absolutely hammered) and an “Abba party” on the Lido deck but Nesta still isn’t feeling too good so went to bed again.

                                The Bird of Paradise flower
                                   A humming bird
                      Photographing you photographing me! Lin & Richard do the honours

Friday 5th April – Oranjestad, Aruba.

The Captain had great fun parking as it was windy. Got a line ashore at the bow but had to shoot a line ashore at the stern. This was attached to a port authority truck which then tried to pull the ship into the quay. Unfortunately, a ship weighs quite a lot and there was a scary moment when the truck was actually being pulled towards the sea. The driver jumped out and his colleagues just managed to untie the rope narrowly averting disaster! The ship went round again and this time with the help of a tug that was pushing us towards the quayside, we managed to “park”.

Did the “best of” tour so saw most of the island. This is the most prosperous Caribbean island we’ve been to. Little sign of poverty – the guide confirmed that no-one sleeps rough and although there wasn’t full employment it was almost 100%. His only worry was that about 65% of the population had jobs in tourism so if something happened to that the islanders would be in a very precarious position.

In the afternoon we went for a walk and found a supermarket so stocked up on gin, tonic and mouthwash! No cigarettes again though L

Had another cards evening with Andrew and Alison (the last one because they are getting off in Jamaica) and because Nesta is still not feeling well she went to bed and Ian and Andrew (again) put the world to rights over a whiskey or three!

                                  Eagles beach, Aruba
                                   Nesta paddles in the Caribbean (again) !
                                           Oranjestad, Aruba

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