Saturday 27 April 2013

Wednesday 24th April – Ponta Delgada, Sao Miguel, Azores.

The weather wasn’t too good – low cloud and intermittent rain – which meant that some of the amazing views were non-existent and it is still too early in the year for there to be many flowers out… We saw a lot of the island, though, and the natural hot springs were spectacular – especially the sight of steam coming out of the drains in the main street!

After a small lunch on board, we braved the rain and went ashore. One of the ship’s junior bridge officers was on the shuttle bus with us and when he heard that we had been on board since the beginning of December asked us if Voyages of Discovery were paying us!

We found a really good supermarket where we topped up with last-minute essential “supplies”!

                              Hubble, bubble etc
                               Is that sulphur I can smell??
                           This is a really diverse island - they grow pineapples here as well
                               and tea! (The variety they grow is called char!!) Honest...

Thursday 25th April – Day at Sea.

The first of four and a half days at sea back to Portsmouth…The weather is still too bad for the “outside areas” of decks six and eight to be opened and as the lectures were not of much interest we spent some time playing cards and talking to other passengers in Scott’s Lounge.

The “old lags” or “lifers” as the 15 of us doing Portsmouth to Portsmouth have become known were invited to a special reception and lunch in recognition that we’ve been on board for longer than the crew!

The lunch was really lovely (no pork in sight!) and the wine flowed freely.

Martin came to the drinks reception but didn’t come to the meal as “he doesn’t do lunch” so Glynis was invited to the photo-shoot and also got to stay for the meal.

In the evening, Ian stayed up after the quiz (in which we came second) to listen to “Bogdan plays Elvis” whilst Nesta managed to sleep with the aid of some medicine…


Friday 26th April – Day at Sea.

Weather is still a bit “lumpy” but not as bad as feared. (Force 7 with a swell of 7.5 metres). Fortunately the wind is in the “right” direction but this ship rolls around on a flat sea, so you can imagine what it’s like in rough seas…

Two bits of good news: Firstly the clocks go forward tonight – so we’re on the same time now as home and secondly we won the quiz again. We are going to have to do something with all these Voyage of Discovery Pens… We’ve tried to give them away, but not even the other passengers want one!





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